Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Amniotic Membrane for Wound Care

PubMed Search

  1. 2011 French article entitled "Human amniotic membrane in the management of chronic venous leg ulcers" stated that in a review of multiple studies amniotic membrane showed benefit in promoting granulation, reducing fibrosis and enhancing re-epithelialisation. 
  2. Used a lot in the eye. 
Companies producing such products and claims/indications. 
  1. Amniox Medical: They claim that because it is from "fetal" tissue it doesn't activate inflammation and prevents scar formation. They have cryopreserved products for wound care and surgical covering. 
  2. EpiFix: Claims it provides growth factors and prevents scar formation while enhancing repair. They have a product that can store at room temp for 5yrs. Site was broken. 
  1. Decreased scar formation. 
  2. Growth factor delivery
  3. Collagen
  4. Lack of immunological markers preventing immune reaction 
  5. Antibacterial properties
  6. Pain reduction on application
Sites for info:
  1. - Reviews technology and discussed dehydrated amniotic membrane benefits. 

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